MoviePete Podcast
MoviePete Podcast
MP4 - Star Trek: Evens and Odds, Part One
In this week's episode, Pete is joined by friend and Trek expert, Ostron (visiting from the D&D podcast, Heroes Rise) to discuss a long held belief that the Star Trek movie franchise is cursed. Specifically, that every odd numbered entry is doomed to fail.
Join us as we tally up box office receipts, critical reviews, and audience scores to determine if this curse is truth, myth, or something else entirely. We also figure out if the cast-era figures into the equation. Original series, Next Generation, and the Reboot timeline are all examined under the microscope.
This episode also works as a timeline and behind the scenes history of the Star Trek movie franchise. It should be fun for fans and newcomers alike. Join us in this first part of three, because this franchise spans across four decades and (so far) thirteen films!
Heroes Rise: